Are You Ready

to Choose

a Life You Love?

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Our Lives Are Woven of Many Layers

Some Are Invisible to Us


I know a

You can

the hidden layers

We can each Know Ourselves Intimately

We can all learn to
Look Deeply

Sometimes We Need to Travel with an Ally

“Kari holds a powerful, safe, and supportive energetic container for personal transformation – one that allows you to enter a profound experience of self-inquiry and personal growth, an expansive landscape where you are drawn into a deep-dive full of beauty and mystery…a personal archaeological dig. You will curiously and bravely find yourself transformed by a process of magical wilding.”  ~ Lourdes B

I am your guide and witness
Helping you stay grounded in




Navigating the Wilderness
Beholding your Grace and Courage

The More We Light Our Interiors…

“Kari landed here to give us her special gifts in the most unselfish and loving way. She is a conduit for those seeking their way back to their own personal home. It’s soul surgery and heart revealing work. She mid-wifed me through my soul’s birth canal to a greater heart awakened being. If you want your self back, the one before conditioning, wounding and domestication, work with this powerful woman.” ~ Debbie R

The More Luminous We Can be in The World

You Matter. Everything Really Is Connected.

Are You Ready to Choose a Life You Love?

“Kari, in her gentle, nurturing and lovingly generous way, has renewed my sense of hope for the next chapter of my life. I’m now attuned to my heart, have a deep knowing of who I am at my core and the confidence to continue navigating the journey alone.” ~ Audrey W

My Approach

I invite you to take a profound journey of self-inquiry and personal growth.

We will use our time together to create harmonic resonance on every level of your being – mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, energetic and genetic – unburdening you from inner conflicts that have stifled your energy, creativity and power in the world.

We will then align your actions in the world with your vision, deep harmony and natural truth – resulting in heightened health, creativity, productivity, and joy.

The modalities I use in sessions with you are: shamanic practices, breathwork, Infinity work, EFT, energy work, kinesiology and traditional coaching- all in service of connecting and integrating with your highest potential.

About Kari

Kari Van Tine is a healer, visionary, artist, trail-blazer, and coach dedicated to helping people become more conscious and awake, in tune with nature, and in alignment with their deep callings and creativity.

She grew up off the grid, in a log cabin in the woods in rural Maine, and spends long periods of time immersed in nature every year.  She maintains a mystical and intimate relationship with the natural world and communes with deep layers of nature consciousness.

Kari is committed to supporting the health of the planet. She acts as an intermediary, connecting forms of nature consciousness with conventional human consciousness. She travels the world with light feet – connecting intimately with local people and the natural world. Among her recent explorations: hiking in the Himalayas, diving in Indonesia, meditating in Burmese monasteries.

She is also a professional visual artist and dancer.

Based in Maine and Hawaii, Kari works with clients all over the world.


Kari is a rare gift. A blazing force of light. Luminous and heart-centered. Challenging, deeply brilliant, and relentlessly supportive.
~ Vivian C

With Kari’s compassionate guidance, I have transformed my life from a stressed out wedding photographer with dreams of writing a novel, to a creative writer and artist who has enough time and space to live my most authentic life while manifesting the dreams that are truly important to me.
~ Corinna R

It is hard to overestimate the impact working with Kari has had on my personal and professional development. Part of Kari’s unique magic is her ability to meet me on all levels, from cognitive, physical and energetic to practical and relational. I can say for sure that I am stronger, more stable, more resourced, more fully alive and more myself as a result of collaborating with Kari. I am also certainly a much better coach for my own clients.
~ Jennifer L

When I first met Kari I was living my life as a victim of my own fear, self-doubt, guilt and shame. I knew deep down that I was not living the life I was meant to, and that something major needed to change. Working with Kari is the single best investment I have ever made! Yes, the work was challenging and uncomfortable at times, but out of this came a personal awakening unlike ever before.
~ Wendy S


Kari helped me turn my life around. She helped me overcome so much unfinished business, old skeletons in the wardrobe and general heaps of dusty stuff that had me firmly stuck in an unhappy, unhealthy and uncreative place. With kind questioning, gentle pointing-out and the occasional kick in the butt, she has known how to help me advance and move to a place of optimism and growth, and new creative projects.
~ Bev R

Contact Me

Please leave me a message if you have any questions or if you would like to be added to my wait list for working with me. I would love to hear from you!

12 + 10 =

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