Over the Past 4 centuries

The sacred Mandala has been used for transformation and meditation. In this creative and fun course, we will harness the ancient power of the Mandala to reflect your evolving inner and outer self-portrait: healing the past and invoking a beautiful future. 

Through a clear 6 step process you will create your own “Magical Mandala Self-Portrait” that celebrates your life story, is a ritual for healing, and powerfully invokes your highest vision for the future.

Create a Piece of Beautiful Sacred Art to Hang on Your Wall.

This mandala will always remind you of who you truly are and continue to help heal and transform your life as a sacred portal through the years to come. 

The class includes dancing, breath-work, music, prayer, and ritual – woven in with powerful art-making processes designed to bring you in loving relationship with your own essence, your stories, and your potential.

Inside the container of Magical Mandala…We will create images that express our own divine, gritty and gorgeous experience as sacred creators living on this delicate planet.

The process is a divine dance of the creator and her materials. We breathe, sing, dance, draw and paint – bringing us closer to the essence of ourselves and the earth through our own collaboration with her materials and beauty.

In this course you will receive...

How is it delivered

(Thursday at 11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm London / 8pm Paris / 6am NZ)


Natural Pigments Class

Learn how to make your own paint from the natural world.

Private Session with Kari

1 private (40 min) coaching session with Kari to clarify and deepen your vision and inner work.

Friday Creative Work

Four, 60 minute Friday Creative Work Sessions to work on your Mandala.

The sacred portal is waiting for you! Imagine inviting in and celebrating ALL of you - wild, luscious, vital and whole.

Your Investment



One Time Payment



6 Monthly Payments

Words of love and support from my clients:

“Kari landed here to give us her special gifts in the most unselfish and loving way. She is a conduit for those seeking their way back to their own personal home. It’s soul surgery and heart revealing work. She mid-wifed me through my soul’s birth canal to a greater heart awakened being. If you want your self back, the one before conditioning, wounding and domestication, work with this powerful woman.”

Debbie R.

“Kari helped me rebuild my capacity for joy and aliveness again. If you feel like you’ve lost those things and are having a hard time finding them again, I highly recommend working with her. She will hold a safe space for you to rediscover what is sacred and wild and waiting to shine, right in your own heart and soul.”

Barbara S.

“It is hard to overestimate the impact working with Kari has had on my personal and professional development. Part of Kari’s unique magic is her ability to meet me on all levels, from cognitive, physical and energetic to practical and relational. I can say for sure that I am stronger, more stable, more resourced, more fully alive and more myself as a result of collaborating with Kari. I am also certainly a much better coach for my own clients.”

Jennifer L.

“I signed up for a class with Kari to prepare for my upcoming retirement. I could never have imagined how the course would sustain me during the months of transition: by being with other women who were also making changes, and simply by showing up for the classes and individual sessions. The course helped me discover what re-wilding looks like to me: being more comfortable with my body and my emotions, wearing more jazzy clothes, creating more beauty in my home, and allowing a deeper level of authenticity with others and myself.”

Philomene K.

“I began my work with Kari as I embarked on a new career as a therapist. My goal was to own my power and become as clear as possible so that I could be of greatest service to my clients. Kari gave me concrete ways to protect and care for myself. Her intuition, intelligence, strength, humor, creativity, generosity, confidence, and love have generated secure attachments, sustained focus, meaningful relationships and a deeper knowing of myself and how to care for myself. I experience more joy and fulfillment now and am grateful!”

Barbara T.

“Kari is highly attuned spiritually and also very grounded on the earth plane. I found her to be direct – yet gentle. She is compassionate, creative, and a very competent life-coach. I feel honored to have been able to work with her.”

Davia M. PhD

About Kari

Kari Van Tine is a healer, visionary, artist, trail-blazer, and coach dedicated to helping people become more conscious and awake, in tune with nature, and in alignment with their deep callings and creativity.

She grew up off the grid, in a log cabin in the woods in rural Maine, and spends long periods of time immersed in nature every year.  She maintains a mystical and intimate relationship with the natural world and communes with deep layers of nature consciousness.

Kari is committed to supporting the health of the planet. She acts as an intermediary, connecting forms of nature consciousness with conventional human consciousness. She travels the world with light feet – connecting intimately with local people and the natural world. Among her recent explorations: hiking in the Himalayas, diving in Indonesia, meditating in Burmese monasteries.

She is also a professional visual artist and dancer. Based in Maine and Hawaii, Kari works with clients all over the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each week I will teach the class “live” on zoom- however all of our classes are recorded and uploaded to your portal within 24 hours. If you can’t join live that week, you can catch up at your own speed.

And you will have access to the program materials for a full 2 years. So you can take your time.

No, you do not have to have any artistic or creative experience.
This class is for everyone exactly as you are.

Yes! There is no Facebook or social media required in this course. All the course materials can be found through private access on my website.

The Friday work session is not a class – it is a bonus “studio time” to help you to work on your mandala. You can spread out in the comfort of your own home while connected to myself and the other awesome women in the class through zoom.

You don’t have to be there…but I bet you will love it. 🙂

This will be offered Friday June 21, 28, July 5 and 12 at the same time as the class: 2 pm EST.

I believe in this course with all my heart. And yet, I want you to lean in and try it out without any worries. If you are not satisfied, let us know within the first 7 days into the course, and we’ll gladly refund your investment. No hard feelings.

Kari Van Tine @ 2024

Photos credits: Courtney Mooney and David Grant.